Craft page-turning scenes

your readers can’t put down.

Get easy-to-follow, step-by-step feedback

to make your manuscript better, one scene at a time.

Novels are made of scenes.

Which means if you want to hook your readers and keep them turning pages . . .

. . . you need to master writing amazing scenes.

Are your scenes hooking your readers?

And what specific edits should you make to make your scenes even better?

Find out in an expert Scene Critique.

Here’s how it works:

1. Send me a scene of your novel.

Choose one scene (up to 3,000 words) to share.

2. I’ll complete an in-depth scene analysis.

I’ll prepare written feedback on your scene’s strengths and opportunities for improvement.

3. You’ll review your feedback.

I’ll send you my analysis so you can take a look and start imagining how to apply it.

4. We’ll talk through your scene on an editorial call.

Hop on Zoom with me for 45 minutes and we’ll talk through all your questions and ideas!

In your critique, you’ll learn . . .

What’s the purpose of this scene?

Are the right events happening in this scene?

What’s your character’s goal in this scene? And what are they doing to accomplish it?

Do the events in this scene matter—to your characters and the larger story?

Is there a clear arc of change in the scene?

Does your scene use compelling story structure?

What are the stakes in the scene—and how can you make them even higher?

And of course . . .

What specific changes can you make right now to make this scene even better?

The Scene Critique is perfect for you if . . .

You know you have an amazing story, but you’re not sure if your writing skills on every page are strong enough to tell that story well.

You’re stuck on a specific scene and want targeted feedback to figure out what’s going wrong.

You want to level up your writing style on every page of your story.

How much does it cost?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to get my scene critique?

My first step is to read your scene and prepare my written feedback. You’ll receive your feedback within three weeks.

After I send you your feedback, we’ll schedule our 45-minute Zoom call.

Can I see an example of the kind of feedback I'll get in my scene critique?

Yes! Check out this episode of the Your Next Draft podcast. In it, I critique a writer’s scene. That’s a great example of the analysis I’ll do in your scene critique.

What scene should I submit for feedback?

Any scene you like! Here are a few popular choices:

  • The first scene of your novel
  • A very important scene, like the climax
  • A scene where beta readers suggested that the story was slow or sagging
  • Any scene where you feel stuck!

Refine Your Scenes from GOOD to GREAT

Enter your email, and I'll send you my free Scene Analysis Worksheet. This is the tool I use to edit amazing scenes. Try it and make every page of your novel un-put-down-able!

Awesome! Now go check your email for your worksheet!