Story Clarity

1:1 revision strategy and story structure refinement for experienced writers with a completed draft

“If every writer had this, they would be golden.”

—Sarah H.

What Is Story Clarity?

The best way to edit a novel isn’t to start at page one. First, take a step back, examine the big picture, and make a plan for your next draft.

In Story Clarity, that’s exactly what we’ll do.

You’ll send me a detailed outline of your current manuscript.

Then, over a series of coaching calls and bespoke writing assignments, we’ll dig deep into your story to find its core: the non-negotiable heart that you know deep down your story must convey to your readers in order for you to count it a success.

With that core as our guide, we’ll build out your rock-sold story structure. We’ll create and hone a super-short summary of your story that will show you your story’s entire arc and how every part holds together.

Then, I’ll show you how to use your core as a filter to flesh that summary out into a robust outline.

By the time we wrap our final call, you’ll have a rock-solid core outline, a foolproof strategy for your revision process, and the kind of story clarity you couldn’t access on your own.

You’ll know exactly how to flesh out that core outline into a robust scene list. And you’ll be ready to turn that outline into your next complete draft.

Our Revision Goals


To create a space of curiosity, collaboration, guided exploration, and play where you can discover what matters to you most in your story.


To sift through your myriad ideas to identify and develop the ones that will best serve your story.


To find our eureka, a deep understanding of your story that will make every piece click together in perfect harmony.

What We’ll Revise Together

First: Your Story’s Core

We’ll start at the very beginning and explore why you’re writing your story and the impact you want it to have on your readers. From there, we’ll nail down your:

  • Theme
  • Genre
  • Character arc
  • Perfect ending

This core clarity will be the filter we’ll use to make every future decision about your story.

Next: Your Story’s Structure

With your story’s core as our guide, we’ll build your rock-solid story structure. We’ll create and hone a super-short summary of your story that will show you your story’s entire arc and how every part holds together.

In that summary, we’ll codify our “eureka” discoveries into your story so that they aren’t just fun moments of revelation, but actually shape how your story unfolds.

Then, I’ll show you how to use your core as a filter to flesh that summary out into a robust outline. You’ll be equipped to add more detail to your outline after Story Clarity ends—and, of course, to turn that outline into your next complete draft!

Our Revision Process

Step 1: Tell Me Your Story

First, I’ll send you my Story Introduction worksheet to complete. In the Story Introduction, you’ll answer a couple dozen questions that will help me see the essence of your story as it currently stands.

The Story Introduction also contains instructions to create an outline of your story. You’ll follow those instructions to summarize your most recent manuscript or hone your latest outline.

Then, you’ll share your Story Introduction and outline with me so I can dive into your story with you.


Step 2: Workshop Your Story Together

On our first call, we’ll talk through what you and I have each discovered in your Story Introduction. We’ll identify what we know about your story’s core and begin filling in the gaps.

After our call, I’ll create bespoke discovery questions and writing prompts to guide you as you continue to uncover your story’s core. You’ll complete those questions, and we’ll build on what you discover through them in our next call.

We’ll likely workshop the core over several rounds of calls + discovery questions. As it starts to become clear, we’ll continue the same process to build out your story’s structure.

We’ll meet for a total of 4 calls. By the time we wrap our final call, you’ll have a rock-solid core outline and the kind of story clarity you couldn’t access on your own.


Step 3: Fill in the Details

Your next step will be to take the core outline we’ve developed together and flesh it out with more detail. Because of our work together in Story Clarity, you’ll have the tools and the skills to do exactly that.

If you’d like more support from me as you flesh out the core outline, we can flow seamlessly into the Story Refinery.

And if you’re ready to rock your revision on your own, I’ll cheer you on from afar as you take your core outline and work magic with it!

Our Revision Timeline

Story Clarity includes 4 x 90 minute Zoom calls.

We’ll schedule each call one at a time. This is deep work, and I won’t rush you through it.

We’ll schedule each call 2 to 3 weeks apart. That way, you’ll have time and space to sit with your story between calls and uncover gems you didn’t know you knew.

At that pace, Story Clarity generally lasts 8 to 10 weeks.

What We’ll Create Together

We’ll uncover the core of your story: your theme, character arc, genre, and perfect ending so you know what your story is really about.

We’ll build your rock-solid core outline so you can see the shape of your story with crystal clarity.

We’ll create the filter you need to make every future decision about your story, from the largest structural elements to the smallest details.

Why Writers Love Story Clarity

The value was truly having someone who understood the kind of space and environment necessary to make some creative decisions. . . . If every writer had this, they would be golden.

What felt most valuable was . . .

Truly just taking the time [to] be patient in the process. We could in real time work through things, but there was never a rush, like, “Okay, we’ve got to get through fifty of these decision points in an hour.” It really felt like we were going to take as much time as we needed on this.

Most of the time we could work through it quickly. But sometimes things were a little bit trickier, or we worked through something and then we had to come back to it because it wasn’t working with something else.

I never felt rushed. And I think the value was truly having someone who understood the kind of space and environment necessary to make some creative decisions.

The environment of these sessions really fit me where I was rather than me trying to fit a particular space. It really felt molded to me and my particular project. So that was super valuable.

If every writer had this, they would be golden. The opportunity to really sit with someone and say, “Oh my gosh, let’s just be really honest about a few things and figure out where the kinks are.” That’s invaluable.

I feel like that’s what I’m constantly craving as a writer. And so to have really, truly cordoned-off space to do that was probably the most valuable thing.

—Sarah H.

This [was] a great creative cooperation between us: of me explaining my world, my vision for this story, and you coming in with your questions.

To the writer who’s on the fence, I’d say . . .

You don’t often have someone thinking through your story with you. Because even when you have another writer who you swap critiques with, they don’t see your story as a whole. They just read chapter by chapter.

They don’t join you in the creative process, right? That’s usually not what I do with critique partners.

You ask them for feedback, maybe some pointers. But you never walk through this whole creative process with them. They are never as invested as you are.

And I felt like this [was] a great creative cooperation between us: of me explaining my world, my vision for this story, and you coming in with your questions.

I felt like, if you do get an agent, editor at a publishing company, this is what they would do, you know? They would join your story, more or less.

And that felt like really a helpful thing as well, to be able to say, “Okay, this is what I’m trying to do,” and then [have] someone pushing back.

It’s not just having someone tell you about your story.

It’s learning about your story, about writing techniques, about seeing stuff in your work, being able to take a step back.

And it’s just incredibly helpful. It’s like an investment in your book and in yourself as a writer. So I would definitely recommend [it].

—Esther S.

What’s the Price?

Interested in Story Clarity?

The first step is to tell me about your story. Get started by filling out the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to finish a draft of my novel before working with you in Story Clarity?

In Story Clarity, I will help you uncover and—well—clarify what you already know about your story (you just might not know you know it yet).

That means it’s important that you’ve already spent some time on your own developing your story.

The writers who are most successful in Story Clarity aren’t starting from scratch. They’ve written at least one draft of their manuscript, maybe several drafts.

In essence, they already have story material to work with and a hypothesis about what their story is.

In Story Clarity, we’ll take that wealth of ideas and distill it into crystal clarity about the story you really want to tell.

I'm still working on my draft. When should I reach out?

I book Story Clarity 3 to 5 months out. If you’re thinking of working with me, I encourage you to reach out early, even before you’ve finished your draft.

That will give you plenty of time to see whether I’m a good fit for your story and get a spot on my calendar that matches your timeline.

I’ve completed a draft of my novel. Will you read my manuscript?

The short answer: No, I won’t read your manuscript from beginning to end.

Occasionally, I will dip in and out to read excerpts of your manuscript when that would help us both get more clarity about your story.

The long answer: The most effective (and efficient!) way to revise a novel actually isn’t to read the manuscript. That’s simply too much information about your story.

When we’re seeking your story’s crystal-clear core, it won’t help either of us to get lost in the weeds of that one not-quite-working-yet twist in a side character’s subplot.

What’s most important to me is the intimate knowledge of your story that you have as a result of writing that entire draft.

So in Story Clarity, we’ll work with an outline of your story that allows me to see its entire shape. I’ll mine your story knowledge for the hidden gems you didn’t know you already knew.

Together, we’ll create a plan that will guide your next draft.

(And if you want me to read that draft when you’re done, let’s talk!)

What if I have to miss one of our calls?

No worries! We can easily skip that week and meet the next week.

I understand that life happens, and I don’t charge a cancellation fee. So far, that’s never caused a problem. Let’s all be kind to each other, and I won’t have to change this policy.

What kinds of books do you edit?

The short answer: In Story Clarity and Revision Coaching, I edit character-driven novels for teens and adults.

To read the longer answer and see whether I’m a good fit for your book, click here for my complete manuscript wishlist.

That said, if you’re writing something that’s not on my manuscript wishlist, you’re welcome to join Scene Mastery. This workshop is open to writers of all fiction genres, as well as memoirists.

What kinds of writers do you work with?

I work with experienced writers who have developed their story idea and completed their manuscript. I’m here to help you take the good story you’ve written and make it amazing.

What kinds of experience make you an experienced writer? This might look like:

  • You’ve published novels before.
  • You’ve written several manuscripts, even if you haven’t published them.
  • This is your first novel, but you’ve revised this manuscript so many times, you’ve lost count of what draft you’re on.
  • You’ve studied fiction writing through books, courses, podcasts, an MFA, etc.

The best way to find out whether I’m a good fit to support you at your current stage is to chat! So if you’re not sure, fill out the form and tell me about your story.

Hear what it’s like to work with me

Want to get a feel for my editing style?

Enter your email and I’ll send you a recording of a real editing session.

I’ll also send you editing tips and strategies every week to support you as you revise your manuscript.

Ready to start editing?

Refine Your Scenes from GOOD to GREAT

Enter your email, and I'll send you my free Scene Analysis Worksheet. This is the tool I use to edit amazing scenes. Try it and make every page of your novel un-put-down-able!

Awesome! Now go check your email for your worksheet!