How to Make Sure Even Your “Slow” Scenes Keep Your Readers Hooked
Some of your scenes are inherently exciting. And some of them . . . aren’t. Here’s how to make sure even the slowest scenes keep your readers turning pages.
Some of your scenes are inherently exciting. And some of them . . . aren’t. Here’s how to make sure even the slowest scenes keep your readers turning pages.
What does your character want? More importantly, why do they want it? The why behind your character’s want is the key to making your readers love your story.
You don’t need a hundred questions to create vibrant, believable, unforgettable characters. You need just four—the right four.
It’s the Holy Grail of editing questions: how do you know when you’re done? Here’s how I help my clients decide when their stories are ready to publish.
Every point of view you choose comes with limitations. But those limitations aren’t a weakness—they’re actually strengths you can leverage in your stories.
Enter your email, and I'll send you my free Scene Analysis Worksheet. This is the tool I use to edit amazing scenes. Try it and make every page of your novel un-put-down-able!