Three-Act or Four-Act Structure: Which Is Best for Your Novel?
Stuck in the middle of your story? Three-act structure might not help. Try this four-act structure instead.
Stuck in the middle of your story? Three-act structure might not help. Try this four-act structure instead.
You can get fantastic feedback on your writing for free—as long as you know whom to seek out, when to ask for feedback, and what kind of feedback to ask for.
When you’re doing a developmental edit on a story, you can change absolutely anything. Use this three-step process to find the right changes and tell your best story.
When you reach out to an editor, they’ll ask you these eight questions. Answer them now to get clarity about your book, your goals, and how an editor can help you.
Two questions to craft a compelling character arc—and create an irresistible climax and resolution of your novel.
Enter your email, and I'll send you my free Scene Analysis Worksheet. This is the tool I use to edit amazing scenes. Try it and make every page of your novel un-put-down-able!