I help fiction writers

turn good manuscripts

into amazing novels.

Developmental Editor & Book Coach of Young Adult Fiction & Beyond


Make every page of your novel unputdownable.

Download the Scene Revision Worksheet and use my advanced scene refining strategies to make your readers fall in love with every page of your story.

Refine your draft

into a story your readers will love.

This is the space for late-stage refinement that walks the line between developmental and line editing. We’ll unearth hidden layers of meaning in your story and make every scene sing.

Let’s close the creative gap.

I’m Alice.

I’m the developmental editor you go to when you’ve already worked with a developmental editor.

When you know you’ve made your story pretty good, but you’re not satisfied with pretty good.

When you’ve analyzed your story six ways to Sunday and your eyes are starting to cross from all the scene lists and spreadsheets.

And yet you know your story has potential you haven’t yet tapped.

I’m the editor who transforms good into great.

Who will show you how to suck the marrow out of every scene.

Who will help you make every page unputdownable.

Who will walk alongside you through every word until you’re so incredibly proud of your novel, you want to launch it into the world with a parade. A fanfare of trumpets. A billboard in Times Square.

Kathie, historical fiction

“I was a little skeptic. And now as I’ve gone through the process, I’m thinking, holy mother of pearl, this is so much better a story than I could have ever imagined. What it did for me is pull out ideas and thoughts I didn’t even know I had. But they’re magical!”

Kimberly, sci fi dystopia

“I love it. I don’t know how you do it. You’re doing witchcraft over here. Because all we’re doing is talking and this doesn’t even feel like we’re working, but somehow I’ve figured out exactly where I want to go with the whole thing. Which I always just thought would come to me. And I guess it just did.”

Shea, fantasy

“It still feels kind of like magic to me.”

Take What You Need

Scene Revision Worksheet

An advanced editing tool to sharpen every scene in your story.

Your Next Draft Podcast

Editing strategies and support for writers doing the hard work of refining unputdownable novels.

Get My Feedback on Your Novel

Find out how we can work together and polish your manuscript to excellence.

Refine Your Scenes from GOOD to GREAT

Enter your email, and I'll send you my free Scene Analysis Worksheet. This is the tool I use to edit amazing scenes. Try it and make every page of your novel un-put-down-able!

Awesome! Now go check your email for your worksheet!